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  • 郭爱玲 农工党员
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郭爱玲,农工党员,女,食品科 1965年1月出生,博士。现任bwin国际食品科技学院食品微生物系系主任,博士生导师、硕士生导师。湖北省预防医学会微生态学专业委员会委员,中国微生物学会会员,中国农产品加工与贮藏学会会员,2014至2015年在美国农业部环境微生物与食品安全实验室作高级访问科学家进行交流,2020年4月被中国质量检验协会聘任为农产品食品检验员培训首席专家。








4)螺蛳粉酸料特征风味物质形成机制的研究, 横向25万, 2021.01-2023.12。
5)纳米铂金溶液的抗菌性能研究,横向8万, 2020.01-2021.12。
7)中央高校自主创新课题:快速检测沙门氏菌等食源性病原菌量子点免疫荧光试剂盒的研发,24万,课题编号: 2662019PY067。
12)纺织品抗菌布抑菌检测方法的研究,横向 2011。
14)蛋品深加工关键技术引进和产业化示范研发, 农业部2006-G363020,2008.01-2010.12 子课题主持。
17)农学教学实验用微生物资源整合项目,科技部 2005DKA21208-6,子课题主持。


1.Huawei Ma, Zhichan He, Weijie Chen, Min Lv, Qiufeng Ruan, Zhide Ruan, Lifen Yang, Ailing Guo*, Chuanyan Pan. Comparison and dynamic simulation of Staphylococcus aureus growth kinetics in grilled oysters. LWT - Food Science and Technology 184 (2023) 115035
2. Huawei Ma, Weijie Chen, Min Lv, Xiaobao Qi, Qiufeng Ruan, Chuanyan Pan, Ailing Guo*. The inhibitory mechanism of 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo [4,5-f] quinoxaline (MeIQx) formation by ultraviolet -gallic acid (UV-GA) during the oil-frying process of squid. Food Chemistry. 2023.418, 135957.
3. Huawei Ma, Min Lv, Zhide Ruan, Fariha Latif, Chuanyan Pan, Xu Luo, Qiong Yang, Xiaobao Qi, Yuan Zhong & Ailing Guo*. The Predicted Model of the Sensory Quality of Refrigerated Tilapia Skin Established Based on Characteristic Near-Infrared Spectrum. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 2022. 2157229
4.Jianman Lv, Yaolu Ye, Yuan Zhong, Wukang Liu, Meilin Chen, Ailing Guo*, Jun Lv* and Huawei Ma. Microbial diversity and functional genes of red vinasse acid based on metagenome analysis. Frontiers in Microbiology 2022.10, 1025886. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1025886
5. Wukang Liu, Ailing Guo*, Xianyu Bao, Qun Li, Ling Liu, Xinshuai Zhang, Xin Chen. Statistics and analyses of food safety inspection data and mining early warning information based on chemical hazards. LWT - Food Science and Technology 2022. ( 165 )113746 .
6. Ling Liu, Yun Jing , Ailing Guo* , Xiaojing Li , Qun Li, Wukang Liu,and Xinshuai Zhang. Biosynthesis of Platinum Nanoparticles with Cordyceps Flower Extract: Characterization, Antioxidant Activity and Antibacterial Activity. Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 1904.
7. Xiao Guo, Xuedan Cao, Xiugui Fang, Ailing Guo*, & Erhu Li. Involvement of phase II enzymes and efflux transporters in the metabolism and absorption of naringin, hesperidin, and their aglycones in rats. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2022,73(4): 480-490
8. Qian Chen,Qun Li,Ailing Guo*,Ling Liu,Lihong Gu,Wukang Liu,Xinshuai Zhang,Yao Ruan. Transcriptome analysis of suspended aggregates formed by Listeria monocytogenes co-cultured with Ralstonia insidiosa. Food Control 130 (2021) 108237
9. Qun Li, Ailing Guo*, Yi Ma*, Ling Liu, Wukang Liu, Yuan Zhong and Yawen Zhang. Gene Analysis of Listeria monocytogenes Suspended Aggregates Induced by Ralstonia insidiosa Cell-Free Supernatants under Nutrient-Poor Environments. Microorganisms 2021, 9, 2591.
10. Qun Li, Ling Liu, Ailing Guo*, Xinshuai Zhang, Wukang Liu and Yao Ruan. Formation of Multispecies Biofilms and Their Resistance to Disinfectants in Food Processing Environments: A Review. Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 84, No. 12, 2021, Pages 2071–2083.
11.Xinshuai Zhang, Yao Ruan, Wukang Liu, Qian Chen, Lihong Gu, Ailing Guo*. Whole genome sequencing and genome annotation of Dermacoccus abyssi strain HZAU 226 isolated from spoiled eggs. Genomics 113 (2021) 1199–1206
12. Wukang Liu, Jing Zhang , Ailing Guo*, Qian Chen , Lihong Gu , Yao Ruan , Xinshuai Zhang. The specific biological characteristics of spoilage microorganisms in eggs. LWT - Food Science and Technology 135 (2021) 110069.
13.Xinshuai Zhang, Yao Ruan, Wukang Liu, Qian Chen, Lihong Gu, Ailing Guo*. Transcriptome Analysis of Gene Expression in Dermacoccus abyssi HZAU 226 under Lysozyme Stress. Microorganisms 2020, 8, 707.
14. Xiaobao Qi, Huanhuan Xu, Wukang Liu, Ailing Guo*. Development of A Rapid FLISA Detection of Salmonella spp Based on CdTe/ZnS Quantum Dots. Journal of Food Safety 2020.
15. Lihong Gu, Qian Chen, Ailing Guo *, Wukang Liu. Differential Effects of Growth Medium Salinity on Biofilm Formation of Two Salmonella enterica Strains , Journal of food protection, 2020, 2, 83(2):196-203
16. Yao Ruan, Huanhuan Xu, Jinlu Yu, Qian Chen, Lihong Gu, Ailing Guo*,A fluorescence immunoassay based on CdTe : Zn/ZnS quantum dots for the rapid detection of bacteria, taking Delftia tsuruhatensis CM’13 as an example,RSC Advances,2020. 10, 1042-1049 IF 3.049
17. Cong Jiang , Liying Ruan , Xuetuan Wei*, Ailing Guo*, Enhancement of S-adenosylmethionine production by deleting thrB gene and overexpressing SAM2 gene in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Biotechnol Lett (2020) 42:2293–2298
18.Guo, Ailing; Xu, Yunfeng; Mowery, Joseph; Nagy, Attila; Bauchan, Gary; Nou, Xiangwu*, Ralstoniainsidiosa induces cell aggregation of Listeria monocytogenes, Food Control, 2016.9, 67: 303-309
19.Yu, Jinlu; Su, Jing; Zhang, Jing; Wei, Xuetuan; Guo, Ailing*, CdTe/CdS quantum dot-labeled fluorescent immunochromatography test strips for rapid detection of Escherichia coli O157: H7, RSC Advances, 2017, 7(29): 17819-17823
20. Li, Xuan; Lv, Pintian; Wang, Ling; Guo, Ailing*; Ma, Meihu*; Qi, Xiaobao, Application of high-resolution pyrolysis gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (HRPGC/MS) for detecting Listeria monocytogenes, Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2014.11.15, 971: 107-111
21. Wang, Ling; Zhang, Junxian; Bai, Haili; Li, Xuan; Lv, Pintian; Guo, Ailing*, Specific Detection of Vibrio Parahaemolyticus by Fluorescence Quenching Immunoassay Based on Quantum Dots, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2014.7, 173(5): 1073-1082
22. Guo, Ailing*; Sheng, Hongli; Zhang, Min; Wu, Renwei; Xie, Ji, Development and Evaluation of a Colloidal Gold Immunochromatography Strip for Rapid Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Food, JOURNAL OF FOOD QUALITY, 2012.10, 35(5): 366-371
23. Guo, Ailing*; Liu, Ting; Xie, Ji; Wang, Hongjiang; Yang, Hong; Zheng, Huaying; Chen, Ting; Zhang, Min; Ma, Meihu, Tracing the food sources of isolated strains of Listeria monocytogenes through fatty acid profiles analysis, FOOD CONTROL, 2010.8, 21(8): 1092-1098
24. Wang Hong-Jiang; Liu Ting; XieJi; Su Wan-Yuan;Guo AiLing*; Cai Zhao-Xia, Cadimium Sulfate Quantum Dots Synthesized and Coupled with Listeria Monocytogenes Antibody IgG , CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 2010.5, 38(5): 632-637
25. Zhou, Junying; Guo, Ailing; Qi, Xiaobao*, Cell Envelope Disruption of E-coli Exposed to epsilon-Polylysine by FESEM and TEM Technology, Scanning, 2013.11, 35(6): 412-417
26. Zhang, Jing; Si, Guoguo; Zou, Jun; Fan, Ruiliang; Guo, Ailing; Wei, Xuetuan*, Antimicrobial Effects of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Fatsia japonica Leaf Extracts for Preservation of Citrus Fruits, JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, 2017.8, 82(8): 1861-1866
27. Su Jing; Li Xiao-Jing; Wei Yan-Yan; Liu Ting; Guo Ai-Ling*, Determination of Listeria Monocytogenes in Agricultural Products by-High Resolution Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 2013.2, 41(2): 187-192
1.张雅雯,钟源,郭爱玲*,唐丹萍*. 泡菜中功能性乳酸菌的筛选及其应用研究进展. 中国调味品. 2022,47(5):197-200,205
2.张雅雯,钟源,郭爱玲*,唐丹萍,齐豫川. 竹笋发酵中挥发性物质及菌群多样性动态分析. 中国调味品.2023.48(1):1-7,13
1) 主持《化学分类法快速鉴定食品中的肠道致病菌的研究》成果(成果登记号:WK20082005)2008年获武汉市科学技术进步三等奖(奖证编号:2008J-127-3-080-016-01);
2) 2009年获湖北省科学技术进步三等奖(奖证编号:2009J-208-3-105-100-R02)
3) 荆州市科学技术奖三等奖:副溶血性弧菌检验方法的改良及内陆地区淡水水产品中副溶血弧菌风险的研究。2017, 证书编号:9J-60-3-30-26-R03)(第三)
4) 湖北省科技成果: CdTe / CdS量子点荧光标记免疫试纸条快速检测大肠杆菌O157:H7。登记号:EK2017A010233001045,登记机构:湖北省科学技术厅。鄂技交评字[ 2017]第046号。完成人:郭爱玲,马美湖,张璟,余锦露,苏靖,孙雅静,金永国,蔡朝霞,黄茜,邱宁,靳国锋,盛龙,付星
1. 郭爱玲;余锦露;张磊;张璟;马美湖,一种快速检测鸡蛋鲜度的方法。授权公告日:2018.09.25,专利号:ZL 201610518280.4,证书号:第3086281号
2. 郭爱玲;苏靖;张隽娴;刘凤燕;吕品田;马美湖。检测大肠杆菌O157:H7荧光免疫层析试纸条。授权公告日:2016.01.20,专利号:ZL 201310296253.3,证书号:第1895188号
3. 郭爱玲;陈平;张隽娴;苏靖;宋文超;韦琰琰。解淀粉芽胞杆菌906及其所产生的细菌素和应用。专利号:ZL201210128153.5,证书号:第1286239号
4. 郭爱玲;宋文超;马美湖;涂艳华;齐小保。纳豆糖糕及其制备方法。授权公告日:2014.01.08,专利号:ZL201310047836.2,证书号:第1332719号
5. 郭爱玲,刘玲,郭骁,钟源,吕健曼,陈美霖,左栖枫。一种采用虫草花制备铂纳米粒的方法,授权公告日:2023.01.31;专利号:ZL 202210587524.X(已转让)
6. 郭爱玲,张雅雯,钟源,吕健曼,左栖枫,陈美霖。从酸笋发酵液中筛选到的乳酸菌及其应用,授权公告日:2023.02.24;专利号:ZL202210576703.3




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